
Has Cloud passed its peak?

According to Steve Brazier, chief executive of analyst Canalys, the cloud buzz is beginning to subside amid growing recognition that it may be the right move only for the options that target consumers, are new or manage traffic.

‘But it makes no sense to take IT that already works and move it into the cloud, just for the sake of it’, Brazier said.

The cloud has been sold as being greener.  However, an on-site server room, run on energy efficient best practices, may be a greener alternative.  “There are currently 500 suppliers on G-Cloud.  If you are storing data on a public cloud provider whose servers are not that efficient, are not well used and use electricity from higher carbon emitting sources there could be scenarios where running your own servers is greener” said David Symons, Director of WSP Environment & Energy.

If you are looking at Cloud being a way of storing your data off site safely then why not look at the option of using Double Take.  Please contact our sales team to discuss your options.   You can contact YOU Systems on 01733 563900.

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